Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 random things about moi

1. Spoiled.yeah, since I'm the only daughter and the last kid in the family :p
2. I love to do balinese dances. Somehow, for me, balinese dances are unique and interesting.
3. Easily like someone or let say have a crush on someone. but yet, when I already have him, it is hard for me to fall for other guy :p
4. I'm a panic person. So,don't make me one!
5. I'm so damn clumsy. *I keep wondering why I often drop things that i hold. shut!
6. Hard to fall in Love.But once my heart has fallen , it will stop there, and never go away :) **
7. I love to shop. I'd prefer shopping rather than spending my money for food.
8. I'm a lazy ass. Yes, you can say that. I'm lazy to do my works, to clean my house, or just to take a bath hahaha.I'd rather sleep and watching dvds.haha
9. I love to go to the salon. Do my hair and pamper myself. hihihi
10. I don't like short hair. For me, short hair is a NO, because my face will look so round.arrrgh!
11. I'm a jealous girl. hohohoho ..yeah i admit it. Perharps, Rangga knows this better than me hihi
12. I love children! I think they are lovely :) However, I can't play with them too long cos i'll get bored easily.
13. I'm a neurotic. Yep, indeed. Sometimes i can not sleep when i have something on my mind, such as homeworks and other things that i havent done*gaaah!. Isnt't that annoying? but yet i'm helpless. :(
14. I HATE SEPARATION. I hate to say goodbye. I wish, there'd be no gudbyes in this world.sobs
15. I'm easily to cry. My tears won't deal with me!
16. I'm very sensitive.
17. Sympathy.
18. I think that ghosts exist.That's why I hate creepy places!
19. I have this ambition to become skinnier. Well, i don't think I have an eating disorder because i keep on eating with no purging.hehe
20. I love my mom so much. I think my mom is the best person in this entire world. Without her, I dont think i become this strong to face the harsh world. I can't imagine live without her.
21. I curse prostitution and material girls.
22. I love to swim. I think swimming suits me the best.Although it makes me tanner.
23. Insecure. I'm currently curing this problem. So,wish me luck!
24. I'm scared of getting married.hahaahha..Somehow i keep re-thinking why people get divorced when they had decided to be together. I don't want to have the same mistake as them.Thus, I think getting married is a 'BIG' thing.
25. I love pink. Yep, pink as in a colour. I'd love to have all my belongings in pink hihi.

Oh wauw, it's already 25! I may add some more..I still got bunch of things to tell ya :)


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